DiDoll Cares - Caregiving Ministry

[nerdy-form:630]"In 1948, the World Health Organization defined health as “ a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This is an apt term to encompass our ideas of health, even today. We might include spiritual and sexual well-being, but just like an automobile, the performance of one component affects the other. We will explore this further at another time.
In the United States, with heart disease and cancer having been the number one and two causes of death, respectively( at this time heart disease being officially replaced by COVID-19), health has been become an increasingly renewed focus. We know that prevention is the best approach to any disease, or dis-ease. It is refreshing to know that global wellness is one of the largest and fastest growing industries.
I believe that everyone deserves the right to good health, preferably beginning at an early age. This would include beginning with the obvious; education. Essential, then, is providing a system that makes available delivering what is needed to ensure the various components of health.
DiDoll Cares is poised to take on this giant; healthcare and wellness. Our concern is healing the world, one individual at a time. Even, perceivably, one family at a time. At this time, identifying the needs of the client and developing a treatment plan, determining together how best to fulfill the needs of the client. Our mission is service. Your wellness is our focus. Ranging from assisting with actual hands-on care, medication education and administration (or organization), planning and preparing healthy meals, assisting with needs as might be indicated in a psycho-social assessment; such as arranging and keeping doctor’s appointments, important social appointments, shopping, moderate cleaning, even respite care. We look forward to becoming an important, even necessary, part of your life."
- Diane Lewis, Owner & Senior RN